EUC Toolbox is now free – my gift to the community

It’s the season of goodwill and I have decided that I would rather have all of the tools in the EUC Toolbox available for everyone rather than have a few trapped behind a paywall (I really don’t like paywalls or subscriptions).

Therefore, I have opened up both the Intune Deploy and the Intune Manager tool for free, whether that is the hosted, or the source code to host it yourself.

As well as corporate sponsorship (more always welcome), I have also added pay what you want sponsorship across platforms, there are no set tiers and all platforms have the option of one-off or monthly.  Everything is free, so no payment is required to use them.


Happy Intune(ing)

17 thoughts on “EUC Toolbox is now free – my gift to the community”

    • Hi Andrew

      looks like it worked this time. I wonder if it was the desktop wallpaper image. I changed it. This time it worked – thanks so much

  1. hi Andrew,

    thanks for this, just a quick question, gave it a go. however did not see any changes, waited a day. Is it still available?

  2. thanks, used it, but maybe i’m missing something, but i really like to see on forehand what items will be place or changed. especially on a live environment.


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