Comparing Package Managers

Introduction Packaging, deploying and updating applications can be hugely time consuming, especially when trying to keep on top of the latest zero-day exploit in your apps (I’m looking at you Chrome!) Fortunately there are now a handful of package managers available to take away this pain, especially useful when you have multiple customers with largely … Read more

Using Windows Package Manager to install and remove applications from your computer

If you have a personal machine (or have admin on your corporate one), or find yourself being the IT support of the family/friends, application management can be troublesome. With Winget improving constantly, we can now use this to install, uninstall and update applications on personal computers. I have released version 1.0 of the Application Management … Read more

Review – Feitian K33 Fido 2 Passkey

With attacks on the rise and people becoming tired of authenticator alerts (which leads to them just accepting anything), now is the time to start looking at alternatives, uncluding Fido2 I was lucky enough to be sent a Fido 2 K33 device from Feitian technologies to give a thorough testing. Whilst I’ve been sent the … Read more

Windows 11 Intune Updates

Windows 11 is here and it’s time to start preparing for deployments and management. I have now updated my build environment to include some Windows 11 specific tweaks which I will outline below. To use my base environment you can use the script from powershell gallery or grab directly from github here The first change … Read more

DOS to Win10 on the same machine

A fun post today, with Windows 11 looming, I built a machine from DOS 6.0 all the way to Win10 using only the upgrade path, no formatting of the drive. It’s a real-time video so timings below if you want to flick through, or watch from the start if you suffer from insomnia MS-DOS – … Read more