It’s Friday which means 2 things, firstly, it’s basically the weekend (or for those of you lucky to work a 4 days week, it is the weekend) AND it’s newsletter day

Time to get started with this post from Niels Kok with a nice script to grab the Autopilot hash from a machine and then automatically send it via email
Whilst not strictly Intune related, I’m sure most of you used the evaluation center to grab ISOs to test your builds with (unless you’ve made the sensible move to OSD Cloud below). Fortunately Adin has us covered with this post which includes direct links to the ISO files.
This post from Peter van der Woude takes compliance policies one step further to block devices running any non-approved applications on the devices. I’m looking forward to testing custom compliance policies and will hopefully get a post written shortly to describe them further.
The first of two posts this week from Rudy Ooms investigates the issues experienced this week across builds (and what a week it’s been with autopilot issues as well). This post in particular looks at the Quick Assist update and issues that caused
Another post on the Quick Assist issue and a method to deploy the new version via Win32 app from DroidKid
This very thorough and highly useful post from Peter Klapwijk automates the removal of end-of-life devices using a Sharepoint List and a Logic App
A second post this week from Rudy Ooms, this one looking at potential sources of time-out issues on an Autopilot build. Rudy’s posts are always an excellent first place to look when troubleshooting build issues and this is no different, well worth checking out!
This Q&A with Jan Ketil Skanke looks at the security risks around passwords and why now is the time to go Passwordless
For anyone just starting out with Autopilot, this very thorough guide from Manish Bangia is worth a read
Now onto the videos (and what a week it is for them!)
These two videos from David Segura run through the configuration and deployment of the excellent Azure OSDCloud, these could re-shape how you deploy your devices ready for Autopilot config. I would strongly recommend giving them both a watch
Finally we have two excellent videos from Andy Jones, firstly looking at the Intune Documentation Script (I use this one regularly) and also showing how to map a drive within Intune, something I’m often asked about