Autopilot Device Identifier with Graph – Now in Get-windowsautopilotinfocommunity

I have just published an update to the get-windowsautopilotinfocommunity PowerShell script available here:

Or from the PS Gallery

Install-Script -Name get-windowsautopilotinfocommunity

This new version has options to work with the new Autopilot Device Identifier functionality:

New parameter “-identifier” tells it to use the new functionality and not the hash

Thie can be used with either -online or -outputfile to grab the current device and either add directly to Intune, or export to upload later.

There is also a parameter called “InputFile” to give it an already exported CSV containing one or multiple devices which it will loop through and add.

If the devices exist already, it checks first and tells you.

Of course the script still works with the older functionality as well!

    19 thoughts on “Autopilot Device Identifier with Graph – Now in Get-windowsautopilotinfocommunity”

        • It’s odd that it’s still not showing, especially given the size of the tenant. I’ll wait another 30 minutes to see if anything changes.

          In the meantime, is there any way to troubleshoot this if it doesn’t appear on the dashboard?

            • I couldn’t reply directly to your last comment, so I’m using this one instead.

              “It’s possible that something might be blocking enrollment. Have you tried adding the device via CSV? If so, does that work?”

              I just tested the process on my laptop without any additional parameters (although I’m a domain admin), and it worked successfully. The only command I used was:

              Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Bypass; C:\Tools\get-windowsautopilotinfocommunity.ps1 -online

              After running this, the script was completed in 61 seconds, and the device showed up as expected after refresh.

              So, maybe its something with permission of app:
              I add just DeviceManagementServiceConfig.ReadWrite.All
              and plan is to add also this to it to see will it work:

            • These are the permissions it uses interactively:
              Group.ReadWrite.All, Device.ReadWrite.All, DeviceManagementManagedDevices.ReadWrite.All, DeviceManagementServiceConfig.ReadWrite.All, GroupMember.ReadWrite.All

    1. Hi,

      Is it possible to automate this process by running the script from RMM (in my case NinjaOne) on multiple machines without user interaction?

      Best regards!


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