Intune Environment Build Script v2.0

I have just release Version 2.0 of the Intune build script to PSGallery and Github This one has a number of new additions: All are being applied using the Beta Graph API calls to keep the script self-contained Group details: Autopilot Profile details: Status Page: Another step towards deploying Intune environments quickly, easily and a … Read more

Windows 11 Intune Updates

Windows 11 is here and it’s time to start preparing for deployments and management. I have now updated my build environment to include some Windows 11 specific tweaks which I will outline below. To use my base environment you can use the script from powershell gallery or grab directly from github here The first change … Read more

Getting App ID from Intune

Available from PowerShell Gallery Often when troubleshooting application installs from Intune (especially Autopilot), I find myself needing the app ID to see which particular application is failing. Whilst I can look at the web address, that involves clicking on each app in turn, and with many apps, often having to click View More many times. … Read more

Managing apps with App-V

For anyone still using App-V 5 (and why not, it’s still supported and built-in), but feeling left out with MSIX working nicely with Company portal, here is an old app I built for Application Self-Service using App-V For this application you will need: The application can be found here (with sourcecode) For your deployment, open … Read more

Automatic driver updating for Dell and HP Machines

Driver updates, always a pain! Microsoft are fixing it with the Windows Update drivers in the update rings in Intune, but until that includes Firmware as well it’s best to use the tools available. Fortunately, both Dell and HP offer utilities to update drivers and they both have command line switches which we can use. … Read more