DOS to Win10 on the same machine

A fun post today, with Windows 11 looming, I built a machine from DOS 6.0 all the way to Win10 using only the upgrade path, no formatting of the drive. It’s a real-time video so timings below if you want to flick through, or watch from the start if you suffer from insomnia MS-DOS – … Read more

Creating an Intune environment using powershell

After creating some scripts to build an Azure and AVD environment, it’s time to give Intune some attention. For this one, I will be using Powershell, POSHGUI and the excellent Intune Backup and Restore script UPDATE: Now available on Powershell Gallery Install-Script -Name BuildIntuneEnvironment As usual, all scripts are freely available on GitHub, feel free … Read more

Building an Azure Landing Zone with Bicep

Following on from my previous post on creating an AVD environment, for those who want to deploy AVD, it’s recommended to build an Azure landing zone first (plus if going for the Microsoft Specialty, a scripted landing zone and AVD deployment is always useful) Again, using a combination of Bicep, powershell and POSHGUI makes the … Read more

Disable Windows FastBoot via Intune Remediations

Windows 10 Fast Boot, one of the first things I disable in any corporate environment, users shut down at the end of the day and will rarely restart unless told to so not fully shutting down is just asking for trouble. Traditionally I would deploy this via a device script within Intune, but it’s a … Read more

Build and Optimize your AVD image

Whether you are building your AVD gold image via Image builder or configuring a virtual machine, optimizing the image and installing any pre-requisites will make the experience much better for the end users. There are many scripts available for this, in this post I’ll run through the one I have made and use. The script … Read more